Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I seriously cannot start throwing up at not even 5 weeks. 4 weeks and 6 days to be precise. NO. This is not ok. I was told there would be a honeymoon period after we found out and that I wouldn't start getting sick til 6 weeks AT LEAST. How can I possibly start throwing up now? I'm barely pregnant! When I blow my nose, what comes out is bigger than our baby right now. I have a lot of things to do in the next few weeks and throwing up every hour is just not one of them. First of all my mother in law is coming to stay with us next week. Also we have 3 dance-a-thons, a wine auction, and a wedding coming up. I thought I'd be ok til about week 8 or so... oh man. I am so sick.

Also I am never eating landjager sausage and steel cut oatmeal for breakfast ever again. ugh. so gross coming back up.

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