Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, September 18, 2010

hahaha, we don't keep secrets very well...

So O and I just told Dad and Jennie (I was on speakerphone, they are in Kuttawa). I'm glad. They were so happy, it was so nice to hear. Ultimately I realized that if we seriously got through the whole first trimester without telling them they were going to be really hurt and feel left out, especially if they found out that O told his brother. And I told Arliss. And Sara. Oh, and Marge too. Dammit! That's a lot of people. but i told 3 and O told 3, so now we're even. Plus, let's face it- I'm terrible at lying. I chatted with jennie on gchat the other day and I almost let it slip about a dozen times. I figured it was better O tell them in person than I let it slip in some future online conversation. This is going to consume our lives and it's hard to hide that from people and find other things to talk about.

And you know what, fuck it if our closest family and friends know. God forbid, if anything happens, we are going to need their support. AND more importantly I don't want to constantly be planning for the worst. Even if something terrible happens I want to remember the little time I got to have this pregnancy/baby as exciting and fun- not morose and terror filled. So let's tell the inlaws. and my BFFs. But definitely not my parents, not yet. no way. Can't handle the drama right now. Maybe after my ultrasound....

1 comment:

  1. You know, it's weird. I feel like I'm breaking some unspoken rule by telling folks, but on the other hand it seems so counterintuitive. Why shouldn't we tell everybody? If I won the lottery, I wouldn't "wait" to see if it was a fluke, or just in case it was taken away from me. Fuck no. I'd tell the whole world while flipping it off. In your face, world!!

    And then I think about telling my in-laws. Yeah, definitely can't tell them... in my opinion until after the baby is born. "Where'd that baby come from?!?" "We found it..." I'm glad Dad and Jen know. They were so gushing and happy for us, I only regretted not having Grace there to get a thousand hugs. Guess I'll pass them along to her.

    It's funny, when I told them, afterwards my Dad said "You know, I could tell there was something going on up there (meaning my head).... it was like you were looking at me and talking, but your gaze was two inches to my left." Funny, the in-laws will probably know or ask Grace "Are you pregnant" and then there will be that millisecond of us looking at each other like "Oh, fuck... what do we say?!" which, of course, will mean yes and then the gushing... well, the happiness... well, the drama.
