Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


O and I had our first meeting with the reproductive endocrinologist on saturday. We'd been off birth control for almost two years and we'd gone from "freaking out" to "pull out and pray" to "let's see what happens" to "hurry up! i'm ovulating" to "huh, maybe something's wrong".

With O's 32nd birthday looming he was convinced he was getting too old to be able to play with his kids and we decided to get the ball rolling. Luckily our insurance was fantastic and covered pretty much everything so that sealed the deal for us.

We were pretty much terrified in the week leading up to the appointment. I was obsessively taking pregnancy tests so that we could hopefully be spared going at all (please god-- last minute moritorium) but no such luck. We went, and it was pretty miserable. Especially the part where they made me sign a waiver acknowledging that conceiving at my size was dangerous and unhealthy. That drove me nuts-- especially since while he was reviewing my blood tests he actually told me that on paper I was in "optimal health". My total cholesterol is under 150, my LDL and HDL are perfect, my triglycerides are super low (i think he said 49?), my glucose, insulin, TSH, blood pressure-- everything looked "optimal" he said. I told him I work out about 4-5 times a week and whether that was OK while undergoing treatment and he said that was great. I was all grinning and happy and then he bamboozled with that BMI waiver...

Anyway, we left reeling and proceeded to get so lost driving home from Naperville that we wound up in Yorkville and then Oswego. It took us almost 4 hours to find our way home. O and I had a long talk about what we were going to do and we both decided that if it turned out (after they ran all the tests) that the only impediment to our fertility was weight, we'd forego treatment and just put babymaking on the shelf in lieu of weightloss. We both felt better and miraculously we managed to find I-88 and our way home.

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