Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, September 17, 2010

keeping secrets and planning

Yesterday was my niece's first birthday and so my whole family was over at Liz's house. It was embarassingly hard not to say anything. Every time I opened my mouth I felt like the words were going to fall out but luckily I was able to resist by constantly pestering my sister about getting preggers again. I think it would be kind of neat to have a pregnancy buddy.

For a while I was kind of bummed that everyone basically gives Liz baby goods hand-over-fist just because she's the only person in our family with kids. I got kind of irate with my mom when I saw her giving Liz baby clothes that I wore. But now that I'm actually pregnant I sort of live in fear of dread the day that people start thinking it's acceptable to give me all their hand-me-downs. I don't want to be snooty, but it's my first baby. I want to get her cute new stuff. I'm not going to go crazy and shop-athon myself out (and honestly we can't afford that anyway) but I really want the opportunity to make things nice for her homecoming. And, it being our first, we're not at the point where we really need more stuff anyway.

I think O and I are already visually rearranging our apartment. We were debating the other night whether we'd put the crib in our bedroom or clear out the "TV room" (the other bedroom). Although I like the idea of having a nursery, I know if I'm breastfeeding the baby will pretty much be sleeping in our room the first few months anyway. And besides I really like not having a TV in the living room. So i don't know. But we just resigned our lease for the next year, so we're definitely not moving til next september, so we'll have to figure something out...

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