Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, October 21, 2010

what can i write about my 9th week?

hmm. in terms of symptoms not much has changed. still tired, still nauseous but overall no big deal.
all i want to eat is potatoes, spicy nacho doritos, and pickles. my capacity for spicy food has gone way way up. i put hot sauce on everything.

Oh! here's a big change: yesterday when I was laying in bed I put my hands on my lower stomach, right above my pubic bone and I can sort of feel the beginning of my baby bump! there's a hard place where my uterus must be. I've also noticed that i can't fall forward the way i used to because it makes my stomach feel all squishy. weird!

i've been having a lot of crazy dreams; had one last night that i thought i had a miscarriage but when i looked into the cup that i caught my "baby" in it was a doll. weird. oh! and i had one that i was riding a horse and it fell in the mud. oh! and one where the hosts of Give Peace a Dance invited me onto their huge boat (i think that one would have gotten dirty but I woke up in the middle of it). My dreams have been crazy vivid lately!

also, the other weird thing is how in every single dream I have about the baby it always a girl. always. I even had one where i was decorating something (a baby bag?) and i was putting little blue decals on it and the whole time i was like, "I hope my daughter loves blue!"

O and I could care less what it turns out to be, as long as it's healthy (and a baby). I keep going back and forth about whether I'd want a son or a daughter because everyone else seems to have such a strong preference, but I just can't care about it. there are good points to having both!

At nine weeks my baby is about an inch long- the size of a big grape and takes up this much room inside of me:

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