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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mark and April's wedding & Maternity shopping

Last night was my cousin's wedding. I am learning that it is actually possible to have a hangover without drinking. A dance and soda hangover maybe?

Also, even though I asked the boys to not spread the news so that O and I could tell everyone they apparently just decided to tell everyone anyway. I don't even care anymore. I'm learning that this inability to have things go according to plan is preparing me for being a mother. Plus my cousins had the good sense to play dumb and even act surprised and thrilled when I told them. It was only afterwards that they said "oh yeah, dave told me a few days ago." Sweet, thanks dave, you asshole. Anyway they were all super nice about it and cheering and slapping O on the back, it was nice. We had so much fun! I danced so much I'm sore. Actually I think my ligaments are loosening up or something, I can't just around like I used to. My hips feel looser and my back hurts more. Bummer, this baby loves dancing! We have a full season of Full Moon Jams and GPAD to look forward to shakin it at.

Today, saturday, I decided to go get a Bella Band so I can keep wearing my skinny jeans as long as possible. I worked so hard to get down to a size 14/16 and now I'm wearing my fat size 20s to be comfortable. I can still wear the 16s but I hate having something tight across my belly, it's so uncomfortable. So anyway, I went to Motherhood Maternity with O in tow and was surprised at the cute stuff they had. I've been sort of dreading the eventual crossover into maternity clothes, but they had some neat stuff. And the salesgirls were so friendly! Asked me when I was due, made some suggestions, it was all very nice. I wasn't expecting it to be such a great experience. O insisted I get this tanktop that said "pregnant is the new skinny" I can't imagine where I'll wear it to, but it was a sweet gesture. I didn't expect to have so many issues with body image during pregnancy. I always thought that since I was already overweight it wouldn't be such a huge deal to me. I couldn't have been more wrong. It's killing me that I spent the first half of this year taking off 30 pounds and now I'll spend the second half of the year slowly putting it back on. I'm determined to not gain more than 20 pounds. I do not want to be more than my original, pre-diet weight. I'm trying my damnest to not gain anything in the first trimester. It kills me that I'm sickened at the thought of steel cut oatmeal and raw veggies. Pretty much all I want to eat is all the food I spent the last year avoiding. It's like some cruel joke.

Anyway, so I got the funny shirt and the Bella Band and even some maternity khakis from target that were on sale. We stopped at the thrift store and got some baggy shirts and few more pairs of sweatpants (which are all I want to wear, like a total slob). All in all it was a pretty great, albeit exhausting weekend.

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