Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

barely keeping my eyes open to write this

wow! what a weekend. I'm tired just thinking about it.

O's mom came on friday, for a fun action packed weekend. Also, I broke down and told my mom and my older sister about the baby. I knew if my cousin let it leak out they were the two who would be the most hurt, so I figured I'd just tell them and swear them to secrecy. My sister seems to be having a few slips, but I don't think anyone has noticed, and my mom has been really nice and supportive.

We had a wine and appetizer dinner party on friday night with O's mom and BF and my mom and sister. O "told" mom-in-law by handing her the sonogram pic. She seemed really excited, it was fun. It was kind of a late night and I woke up really early the next day feeling nauseous. I had to wake O up and send him to cafe sel marie for eggs and potatoes (which I was dyyyying for). Then by the time everyone else woke up around noon/one and started talking about going out to "breakfast" I was hungry again, so i ordered a short stack of buckwheat pancakes with fruit. SO good!

after brunch O took the inlaws to tour downtown, but it was so late in the afternoon (and I knew it was going to be a late night) so I opted out and went home to nap. then we went out for middle eastern food for dinner (geez, i just realized how much of this post is about food) and then we went to Give Peace a Dance.

Here's the thing- we've been going to these dance-off drum circles for ages now, and I always dance pretty much from start to finish no problem, but this one exhausted me. I went through THREE 32oz water bottles almost right away, and my muscles were SO sore the next day. it was brutal. my calves are still burning. I was practically hobbling around the next day. I don't get it. So i'm vowing to go back to the gym this week, pelvic rest or not, I can at least go swimming.

Sunday we had the wine auction. oh man, so much smelly food. I spent a lot of the day in the bathroom. I think O's mom had fun and it was nice to see everyone getting along and being all jokey. real family togetherness stuff. My dad thought it would be funny to tell a bunch of people in our church that "my son-in-law is dying for babies but my daughter won't let him have any." So i had people coming up to me all day and saying, "your dad sent me over to ask when you're going to have kids." a month ago I would have gone apeshit over this, but it was ok and i was able to laugh it off.

all in all, I think everyone had a lot of fun. O was saying that he was looking forward to having a peaceful next weekend at home, but then I reminded him how much we have going on from now until thanksgiving. between out-of-town guests, weddings and birthdays we are packed!

I read online that large doses of supplementary progesterone acts like a sedative in your body. so true. I'm so exhausted now I can barely muster up the energy to write this. Not to mention my spelling and grammar has steadily gone downhill. I don't even care. I'm just barely keeping my eyes open.

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