Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

oct 18th, 1st midwife appt

Had my first midwife appointment on monday and it has me seriously reconsidering the whole whole midwife thing. First of all there are 8 midwives in the practice and since you never know who will be on call for your birth you have to see all 8. At first I was ok with that, but now it's kind of bothering me. I want to have a quasi-close relationship with the person who will be delivering my child and not someone I've met once or twice. It also kind of makes me less likely to call with questions because you never know who you're going to get and whether or not they know you and are familiar with your situation. Kind of a bummer really, I was pretty prepared to LOVE this place.

I'm nine weeks today, so in a few weeks I have to start weaning myself off the progesterone suppositories (as the placenta grows in the 2nd trimester) and the midwife I had, Libby, seemed to not be familiar with progesterone supplements at all. She had to go "look up" (google?) how long I had to keep taking them and how I had to stop. She told me I could just quit "cold turkey" at 10 weeks but this isn't what any of the websites I've found say. Then when she was writing up the blood test orders I asked if she could do a progesterone draw just to see what my numbers are and she flat out refused. "At this point it's really irrelevant" she said. Obviously she's not the one who's been cramming hormones up her hoo-ha for the last 5 weeks. "If the number is bad there's nothing more we can do and it will just cause you stress, and if the number is good it doesn't prove anything because your placenta might already be taking over." great. For some reason this whole exchange made me pretty mad. I thought the idea of having a midwife was to manage your own care?

Then she told me that they're not going to order an ultrasound until my 20 week major check. And I get that I got my first ultrasound early- 6 weeks instead of 8- but my former Ob ordered that because neither one of us was sure that there was still a baby in there after all the spotting. Also, here's the scary thing about using supplemental progesterone: if the baby dies or doesn't grow or whatever the progesterone will keep me from miscarrying naturally. So it's totally possible that the baby passed at 7 weeks and I won't know until I'm off the progesterone completely at 13 weeks. Seriously, you won't give me a little peace of mind and order a freakin ultrasound?! I'm so pissed about that.

Then she told me that it would probably be best if i tried to gain NO weight with this pregnancy. definitely no more than 10 lbs. And again, I know I'm very overweight, but I guess I was expecting more of a "use your best judgement" from such a holistic place. Not to mention that I've actually lost weight so far, so it's not like I'm some fatso using pregnancy as an excuse to just chow down on everything in sight. The whole thing left me a little disgruntled. I'm going to go to one more appt with a different midwife on November 8th and if it doesn't go better that's it, i'm switching.

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