Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, October 9, 2010

saturday, today

i spent an insane amount of time cleaning our bedroom in preparation of receiving a new (to us, formerly Arliss's) queen size bed. we figured it was time to upgrade from our full size and arliss was getting some wacky new memory foam business so she gave us her old one. the amount of dust in our room was staggering. i went vacuum crazy!

O went to For Eyes and ordered new glasses (finally after flushing hid down the toilet about two weeks ago) and it cost an arm and a leg. but he got a pretty good deal in general and bargained with the sales girl to get the "transition" lenses so i think it worked out. also, BIG NEWS, O got a promotion at work on friday. 8% raise (and he hasn't even been there a year yet!) I'm so proud of him. unfortunately his new position is at the other location about a 30 minute drive away, so looks like we won't be having lunch together every day anymore :( i'm SOO bummed about that.

Tomorrow is O's birthday and we're going to tell my whole fam about the little buddy. I hope everything goes well.

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