Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10 weeks! yay- double digits!

Yesterday, after spotting the last few days I finally broke down and called the midwife. She told me that since she was on call and had to be at the hospital for deliveries she would sneak me in afterhours and we could try and find the heartbeat on doppler.

She called at around 6:15 and said "hurry in now" and so O and I rushed over. It gave us a chance to see the labor and delivery floor in action (not just during a tour) and I have to admit it kind of terrified me. First of all it's highly secured and and very small. There looked to be only maybe 10 rooms tops. But the nurses all seemed nice. O said it was more "hospital-y" than he expected.

The midwife, Gina, who I hadn't met before came rushing out and she was just so nice. I can't say enough good things about her. She completly changed my opinion of the practice. After that ratty first appointment I was ready to switch to West Suburban, but Gina totally changed my mind. hopefully she's not the only good one.

Anyway, so we went to an exam room and she felt my uterus, said I was measuring perfectly for 10 weeks, there's no reason to believe the baby isn't growing. Unfortunately she couldn't find the heartbeat on the doppler which, although it freaked us out a little, she was over the top reassuring. Kept saying it was still so extremely early, most doctors won't even try if you're under 12 weeks. Then she said we'd been patient long enough, it's terrifying to be on hormone medication and still seeing blood, we need to get an ultrasound. The way she said it made me feel less like a spaz about the whole thing. I was starting to feel like I was being overdramatic. And I know people who haven't been pregnant don't understand, but when you see blood you just freak out- no matter how little it is, you just freak. It was cool of her to understand that. She told me that HMOs rarely approve more than 1 ultrasound in the first trimester but to trust her because she's "an expert at being dramatic on paper." She said if I happened to see the order not to freak out, because she was going to make the situation sound very dire and dramatic and say that fetal viability is unlikely. BUT according to my physical body it looks like everything is ok. What is probably happening is that the Crinone (progesterone) is irritating my cervix and causing spotting, it likely has nothing to do with the fetus or my uterus.

So I guess we just wait and see...
C'mon second trimester! Only 3 more weeks!

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